Do No Harm – Trail Cam Monitoring Guidelines Do No Harm - Monitoring and Ethics Guidelines Acceptance Trail Cam Monitoring, Selecting Sites and setting cameras – Do Not Disturb the Wildlife As an essential, first priority of all the monitoring we pursue – please be mindful that in many cases we’re entering habitat that is unfamiliar with human activities/presence. We are visitors to these monitoring locations and must be always mindful and conscientious about our movements in the wildlife habitat that we’re stepping into, so as not to stress those around us with our presence in our efforts to better understand their world. Please follow these guidelines in your trail camera deployments and stream survey work. Set / check cameras in the day time when beavers are usually resting. Always keep voices quiet, whispers, and consider using hand signals with others. Approach slowly and be aware of where you’re stepping and moving in to. At times you may flush up other wildlife, deer, birds, etc. - to be avoided whenever possible. Watch your step around beaver den sites, and keep 10 - 15 feet wide clearance from den sites, as your activities nearby may mistakenly collapse a beaver tunnel or the den itself If encountering and scaring or stressing wildlife in the course of setting cameras might at all be a possibility, do not proceed. Instead, retreat and revisit the site another time when wildlife has moved on. In the form below, please acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to follow these guidelines above. Participation in this work with this program will not be allowed, without acknowledging and strictly adhering to these guidelines. Name * Email Yes, I have read, understand and agree to follow the guidelines above. (Type "Yes I Agree" to confirm your agreement, along with your name) If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit