Beaver Tales

Field Report 7: (Too) Hot and Dry Summer

Boy is it hot out there! According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, June 2021 was the hottest June ever on record. At this point, in mid-Summer, our daytime temperatures continue to be well above average. This report comes from a new monitoring location, a small spring-fed tributary that feeds into the Crooked River …

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Image from Fur-Bearers

Young Beaver Dispersing in Spring

Springtime beaver dispersal It’s springtime, and beaver families are adjusting to the new year ahead. Some may be relocating to a second den area for safety as springtime waters expand and can flood out the primary lodge.  (Here’s a short story on PBS, of a beaver family’s movement to a downstream location.) Young adult beavers …

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Marks Creek Comes to Life – Prineville, Oregon

People and Beavers Join Forces in Restoration near Prineville by Marina Richie Two belted kingfishers flash blue wings above a beaver dam and angle into the trees shading Marks Creek. The birds’ ratcheting cries merge with the distant roar of an excavator dumping rocks in a dry creek bed upstream. The contrast could not be …

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